The Santa Barbara Independent has spotlighted Dario Pini, a Santa Barbara and Ventura mega landlord recently nominated to Tenants Together’s Landlord Hall of Shame.
As noted by the Santa Barabara Independent:
Pini is known for consistently racking up complaints against his dozens of properties throughout Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, often neglecting basic upkeep and turning a blind eye to overcrowding. At one point he and his company, Dario Pini Investments, were targeted in a massive police investigation that ended in nearly 800 building code violations and a jail sentence. Pini famously chose to spend 30 days behind bars instead of going on house arrest in one of his rentals.
The need for Tenants Together to shine a public spotlight on California's bad landlords is clear. Since launching it's Landlord Hall of Shame, hundreds of California tenants have suggested nominees and local media outlets have responded to its nominations with great, investigative coverage.
All California tenants can suggest nominees for the Landlord Hall of Shame by going to http://hallofshame.tenantstogether.org. Based on the information submitted and its own research, Tenants Together announces Official Nominees throughout the year. Annually, members of Tenants Together vote to determine which of the Official Nominees will be inducted into the Hall of Shame. Last year’s inductees were Donald Sterling, a Los Angeles area mega landlord and owner of the LA Clippers and David Taran, a East Palo Alto mega landlord and owner of Page Mill Properties.
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